Subject areas

IT, technical matters, economics, social sciences, natural sciences (see also the link to Basics).

Language combinations

English, German, French to Swedish.

Types of texts

Manuals, agreements/contracts, books, software localization, all sorts of shorter texts.

Other services

Editing and reviewing, writing of technical and other information (see the link to Information & documentation in the footer), terminology.


More facts via the links to the left and in the footer. I look forward to hearing from you!


Authorised by the Swedish Kammarkollegium Agency (see testimonial here). Member of: SFÖ, the Swedish Association of Professional Translators (board member 2004-08); FTI, the Swedish Society for Technical Information (board member 2001-06); STIMDI, Sveriges Tvärvetenskapliga Intresseförening för Människa-Datorinteraktion (Swedish Association for Human-Computer Interaction); Översättarcentrum (Translator's Centre).